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9-15 June 2025

Kim supports her elderly mother to care for her Dad, who was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia in 2020. She still works full-time and describes the struggle to juggle work with care responsibilities below.

"I care for my dad who was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia in 2020 at the age of 74, having previously being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Dad has always been very active. He was a semi-professional footballer and a bricklayer, and he and Mum have been married for 55 years. Mum is Dads main carer, but my sister and I visit every week and take it in turns to stay over weekends to help mum, as night times are very difficult. I work full time as a Design Manager, my employer is supportive, but it is a lot to manage.

"Someone comes in for two hours once a week to sit with Dad so that Mum can go out and do the weekly shop. These services can be cancelled with less than a day’s notice. This causes a lot of disappointment and extra stress.

"For advice on Dad’s condition and support for Mum on how to cope we have relied heavily on the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline, and particularly the Consultant Admiral Nurse for Lewy body dementia who has been fantastic.

"We also rely on a local group run by volunteers. This provides an afternoon once a week where Mum and Dad can go for support. I worry that we rely on one club so much and would love there to be more support available."

With thanks to Kim and The Lewy Body Society for sharing this story.

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